predictive scheduling compliance system South Jordan

You may not live in an area that has adopted predictive scheduling legislation, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get ready. “Fair scheduling,” “secure scheduling,” or “fair workweek” laws are designed to protect staff members from the uncertainty of on-call and fluid scheduling, and are being considered (and in some cases, passed) in states and municipalities across the country.

The issue has come to the forefront in recent years as the employment landscape has changed substantially for hourly and part-time workers, many of whom are living from paycheck to paycheck.

Employers have long used just-in-time and just-enough-staff scheduling to limit labor costs and adapt to frequently changing staffing demands, but some policymakers believe these methods put an excessive burden on lower income working families, people working more than one part-time job, and students trying to juggle school and employment.

Are You Ready to Comply With Predictive Scheduling Laws?

Regardless of your opinion on these regulations, you may be forced to adhere to one if it is enacted in your city or state.

Manual Scheduling Is No Longer Practical

First off, if you are still using manual scheduling methods, it’s time to automate. It is virtually impossible to comply with predictive scheduling provisions with basic spreadsheets.

TimeSimplicity Simplifies Predictive Scheduling

SwipeClock presents TimeSimplicity, the scheduling solution with dedicated predictive scheduling tools. Call 888-223-3450 for a free demo today.

Contact SwipeClock for information regarding WorkforceHUB?UPGRADE TODAY

SwipeClock offers WorkforceHUB?, the unified Human Resources portal that makes it easy to optimize the performance of your managers, employees, and business.

WorkforceHUB? includes TimeWorksPlus, TimeSimplicity, and TimeWorks Mobile. We’ve just added onboarding, benefits enrollment, performance reviews, and employee engagement! WorkforceHUB? is created for busy employers like you who need to streamline scheduling, automate time and attendance tracking, maintain regulatory compliance, and reduce labor costs.

How much can you save? Check our SwipeClock ROI Calculator.

We can get you up and running with Workforce Management Suite in minutes. Contact us today to schedule a demo.